6 comments on “Contact Us

  1. Kelly, G’day mate! Reed from Sydney AU! Loving it! Just arrived for the New Years fireworks display. Nice web site man.

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Reed. We’re trying hard to spread the latest news in the rope world!

  3. Hey Kelly:

    Just wondering if there are any spots stillopen in the march Lancaster PA class?
    What is the cost, and how much is indoor rigging with the vortex? dortex,
    flagpole and the other great stuff you have been doing?

    Hope all is good,


    • Spots are still available and the cost of the class is $285 per person. The second day is mostly rigging with the AZV; all of it done on a drill tower which is a good representation of urban and industrial rescue.

      The idea for the flagpole was developed at the last class in Lancaster, maybe we can work out another innovation this time as well !

      Give me a call if you have any specific questions. Thanks for taking the time to look and comment!


  4. Great website. Hoping you would share some photos on the latest class you taught in PA. Also, are there plans for another class in the near future? I have a few guys from VA that would love to attend.

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