
All posts tagged rescue

Apparently, you can get all of the thrills of rope access, rope rescue, just being at height, etc… without any of the training. I’ve got no affiliation with this, but thought that it was interesting just the same. Should you want that stomach turning feeling of looking over the edge of a high drop, you can do it for about $200.

Of course, I’d rather use that money to buy a new bosuns chair and get paid to do work at that height as I’m sure most people reading this would. Of course, that’s what makes the rope community a bit unique.

Looks like synchronized swimming or something:

The Technical Rescue Team from Gresham, OR rescued a family Pitbull from the wall of a quarry after the dog had gone missing for a couple of days. The dog was spotted by quarry personnel.

Listening to the video, it seems the team used a ladder as a high directional to get out over the edge and keep from knocking down debris that might cause the dog to lose it’s footing.

One neat point was that the local Humane Society told the rescuer being lowered to bring along a T Shirt from the dog’s family. At first I was thinking it was for some sort of crazy improvised harness. Turns out it was so the dog could sniff it and know that the rescuer was one of the pack. I wouldn’t have thought to do that. I guess that’s why it pays to have subject matte experts around.

Thanks to Collin Moon of   Elevated Safety for tuning us in to this story.


Maybe the dog needs to be trained like this one:


Climbing ranger Nick Hall from Mt Ranier died last week after falling more than 3000 feet down the side of Mt Ranier while rescuing 4 climbers who were in need of assistance. All of those in need of rescue survived.

The video below is a quick news piece about the incident. Of interest to me are the comments below the article on whether or not people should pay for their own rescues. There is one unknown poster who lays out some pretty good arguments that people should not pay for there own rescues; R2T happens to agree with that stance.

Nick Hall on far left of picture;

It seems that some builders have no foresight. For at least the second time in as many months, somebody has crashed through their porch flooring and into a well. This time it was under an overhang, so no aerial was able to be used…. and it was a 60 foot drop. This rope rescue occurred in Hendersonville, NC.

Click here for the article and more pictures:

I imagine that these guys had the same problem as the guys doing a well rescue that we talked about a couple of weeks ago: the tripod is going to want to tip towards the direction of haul because of the resultant force being outside of the tripod footprint. Just looking at the pictures, it might have been possible to use the bottom of the porch column for a change of direction down low to help minimize that.

Also take note of the VERY long bights an the end line figure 8 knots. Those are going to eat up a lot of valuable real estate when trying to get in and out of the hole. The knot passing pulley is also going to eat up quite a bit of that same space. By tightening the bights and using a smaller pulley, it is possible to gain several inches of extra clearance where it is needed most.

Rig Tight!

While thoughts of highlines are what occupies the brain of rope geeks as they go to bed, Pat Rhodes does a very nice job point out some of the finer, lesser observed points of highline construction. The video below is a from the Rescue Response Gear TV Series they have on their website. In addition to the highlines, there are also lots of great videos on less complex subjucts, with the same great breakdown of the concepts into digestible bits.


I’m heading up near Banff next week myself and while I hope to be able to enjoy the scenery, I don’t want to get the view of the mountain as up close and personal as this guy. While climbing a multi-pitch route, a falling rock hit a climber on the head and knocked him unconscious and caused to him to fall approximately 60 feet. His top  piece of climbing protection popped out, but his other pieces held.

A couple of things to keep an eye out for:

Check out the victim’s helmet, that thing has a huge crack in it on the victim’s right side.

I would have probably reached out for the short haul line as it is being flown back in (never been on a short haul, so I’m guessing); the rescuer in the video waits for it to come to him.

The release of the rescue package from the anchor station as the helicopter flies away. If there had been any snags at the anchor, it would have caused a world of problems for the pilot and the rescuer. I’m guessing these guys have trained on this before.

Here’s a brief report of what happened:

Thanks to Mike Forbes from Spokane FD for making us aware of this video!

If you remember and appreciate our previous post of the world’s worst edge transition, here is a video of the runner up. I try not not be TOO critical of video because I wasn’t there, but there is always room for learning and improvement. Soooo…


1. Having a high change of direction anchor at the edge

2. Having an attendant

3. And two tag lines

They still managed to get the basket hung up on the edge!

Possible fixes:

The high COD at the edge with a system behind it should have enabled the crews to do a vector pull between the anchor and the COD to raise the basket temporarily at the edge to clear obstacle.

It looks like the attendant was just going along for the ride rather than being an active attendant trying to help the basket to negotiate obstacles. While the low attendant position (legs below the basket) seems to be the most popular, I think it would be beneficial in this case, at least during the edge transition, for the attendant to ride in the high position. This is where the attendant’s legs are above the basket and below the attachment bridle. This would allow for keeping the basket away from the snags at the edge. Moving to the low attendant position after the first edge would allow the attendant to keep away from obstructions coming up from below.

Pull on the tag lines!

As a guy who loves to train, I’m reasonably sure that regular  training on rope rescue techniques, regardless of equipment, could have solved many of these issues. Get out there and play!

Not quite Donny and Marie (thankfully), but a here are a couple of links and videos; one from a rescue in Yosemite (thanks to MtnRsq on for pointing this one out) and the other, a video of some rope training in Madison, WI.

A Little Bit Country:

First, here is a picture from a recent rescue off of El Cap in Yosemite. There are links below the picture with the rest of the shots taken from that rescue. It was 1200′ from the top of the cliff to the victim and another 2000′ down to the ground after that.  There is also a link to a helicopter based rescue from September of last year as well.

While both rescues were from similar locations, the more recent rescue was conducted from the top of El Cap, while last years rescue was helicopter based. Of interest to me in the helicopter based rescue was how the rescuers used a throw bag to the victims and pulled themselves into the wall. It’s a neat technique that doesn’t cross the brain of this urban rope guy that much.

A Little Bit Rock and Roll

Is Madison, WI really rock and roll? Enough to help make a catchy title for this post I say!

The link to the short video shows some recent rope training from the Madison, WI Fire Dept. The Batt. Chief giving the interview does a pretty good job of explaining the progression of technical rescue disciplines and how they all have their roots in rope work. Nothing crazy in the video, just some rappeling on racks and tandem prussik work.

Given that it is just a simple rappel option, what are your thoughts on weather self belaying, a la Rope Access, is a worthwhile idea? I think that it would simplify and speed up the operation, particularly if there are a limited number of people on hand.

While the title of this post might sound like a joke, it is a deadly serious fact that leaving a door open while searching a structure in fire conditions can lead a very bad ending, as we will see.

While at a fire recently in a two story single family dwelling,with  fire on the second floor and searching the room across the hallway from the room on fire, I decided to shut the door behind me to search the bedroom. It’s not something I normally do, as we’re fortunate enough to have aggressive companies who get water on the fire quickly and trucks who aren’t afraid to open up; so the need does not usually arise. However, beating the first due engine in and with a report of people trapped, we made our way to the second floor.

After getting into the bedroom, my partner and I shut the door behind us. That’s a pretty nerve wracking thing to do: shut a door in a house you’ve never been in and can’t see a thing in. It’s easy to miss a doorknob on the wide expanse of wall when trying to make your way  back out of that door. Anyhow, even though there was zero visibility and we were conducting our search on feel, it was a great comfort to feel the heat subside A LOT. It bought quite a bit of time on my mental search clock that lets me know when it is time to go. Thankfully, the engine was there quickly and we could hear them getting a knock on the fire.

The reason I mention this is that it really sunk in to me how much of the ongoing fire problem was eliminated for me just by shutting the door. So I started looking around at the importance of keeping doors shut while performing a search. Unfortunately I did not have to look far or in the distant past.  My looking about took me to my old department, Baltimore County, to a fire that killed FF Mark Falkenhan on Jan 19, 2011 who died from injuries sustained while searching on the top floor of a 3 story garden apartment.

The fire started as a first floor kitchen fire and rapidly spread to the two upper floors, ultimately entering the unit where FF Falkenhan was searching though an open door to the unit.

Two units, two very different results. The difference is that the unit on the left had the door closed during the fire. This was a powerful picture for me.

If you’re short on time, go to the 21:45 mark of the video  below. There are also two reports; one from the ATF and one from Baltimore County. Towards the end of the ATF report are the pictures of the conditions of different units from the fire.

The forward in the Balt. County internal report by the Fire Chief states that they essentially  could have done nothing different and that everything went pretty much according to plan. This despite the fact that they:

Have only 3 Battalion Chiefs for a 612 square mile area. It took the Batt. Chief 23 minutes to arrive on scene.

Had no good report from the rear about vertical fire extension.

No engine crew covering the search operation.

No back up hose line for initial attack crew.

Companies split laying on a working fire.


It’s easy to be an armchair fireground analyst, but these are systemic things that have not changed since I worked there for a short time in the late 90’s.

Falkenhan LODD ATF Report

Balt Co LODD internal report

Here is a video from the ATF from the modeling on this fire:

Things start going bad around the 21:45 mark of this video:



Towards the end of the video is are two alternate scenarios showing what might have happened with different doors being closed.

Thanks to Collin Moon from Elevated Safety for pointing us the recently released PBS and Frontline half hour documentary taking a look at the dangers of the cell tower climbing world and who is ultimately responsible for the safety if the workers.

There are several layers of sub contractors between a major carrier like AT&T and the guy who is actually climbing the tower to do work. Because of time pressures and the contractor at each level taking their cut of the pie, the result is that climbers feel pressured to climb without taking proper safety precautions, like tying off, while at height.

While the report is insightful and eye opening, it seems like it is looking to place blame on one group or another. It would seem to me that regardless of time pressure, OSHA mandates, etc… that the worker themselves has the ultimate responsibility to save their own life. The race to the bottom of doing the work on these communications towers is both literal and figurative and looks like it will only continue if people are willing to do things like free climb a tower in order to make $12 an hour. Keep in mind that my thoughts on this are formed having never worked in the communication tower industry, however, I’ve been aware of the effects of gravity for some time now.

Somewhat related is the recent release from New Zealand’s Department of Labor and the unfortunately acronymed Industrial Rope Access Association of New Zealand (IRAANZ) of new best practices guidelines in answer to three workers falling from height over the past year. That’s a lot of falling in a small country from an industry that has a great safety record thanks to groups like SPRAT and IRATA. Here is a link to the Best Practices guidelines: