9 comments on “Atomic Wedgies and Other Urban Vortex Thoughts

  1. Nice stuff guys! Nice stuff! The addition of the new Arizona Omni Rigging Pod (AZORP Adam and Eve) will be a welcome addition to your rigging here! Rock Thompson and I have just made the final revisions to the new prototype. It should be available soon.
    Reed Thorne — Ropes That Rescue Ltd.

    • Thank for the kind words, Reed. I am excited to get my hands on the new AZORP when they become available. It definitely has application with the Atomic Wedgie, as well as a few other Doortex configurations.

      • Also Kelly, I am trying to convince Rock to make a SOLID AZV inner leg for conditions where we need s stronger element in that position. Sometimes we cantilever the head out as you have seen in many of our Artificial High Directional Workshops. What would you think of that?

        • I think something like that would be an excellent idea. It would eliminate having to rig a Spanish windlass on the Appalachian Doortex with the Sedona Penetrator. I think it would also come in ultra handy for anchors that span doorways. If a solid inner is too heavy, what do you think about a double thickness inner leg section? Still a hollowed out center, just a wall that is twice as thick as the current version.

  2. You know your on to something when the man behind the Vortex posts on you site! Good stuff! I always look forward to new posts on this site and stuff that is outside the box. These are things that need to be put out there to give you more tools in the toolbox to draw from on the rescue scene.

    • It is pretty cool to be on to something like that. I hope the wedge pole is able to hold up under two person loads. I’ll be doing more testing in the near future to see. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.

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